K2V Limited
K2V is a public limited company incorporated in the UK subject to UK law. The company is VAT registered with company address:
K2V Ltd - 2, Longmead, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 8PL, UK
email: info@k2vltd.com
tel: 0208 255 0201
Dr Guy Loftus (Director)
Thirty-five years working in the oil industry, 31 of those years as an explorer for Shell International, with assignments that took me across the world from Oman, New Zealand, The Philippines, The Caribbean, Malaysia, Gabon, Indonesia, Texas, London, PNG, Canada and The Hague. As an explorer, I was involved in new ventures, asset management, shooting seismic, interpreting prospects and drilling wells to make discoveries of oil and gas to open up new opportunities, rejuvenate tired portfolios and take discoveries to production. In the course of this journey, I have learnt about the importance of data management, which depends on ownership for success, as well as knowledge management, without which (I believe) fresh talent is directionless.
email: guy.loftus@k2vltd.com
tel: +44 (0) 782 433 1984
Very interesting article by Allan Scardina - there's life in the old dog yet (conventional exploration - not Allan). https://t.co/Rgk5YHxK2Z
See what the legal implications are for future PSCs if the "Data Unconformity" is benchmarked by industry lawyers. https://t.co/MlE2hAXNEa
The discussion on the above has now been summarised and closed-out. Next month: "Knowledge by Association". https://t.co/GfNLVp1tDL
"Can crowd-sourcing knowledge actually add value for decision making?" https://t.co/ZUuPZy1m0q by @K2V_GuyLoftus on @LinkedIn
Thanks to those of you who contributed to the discussion around this article this month; the discussion itself has r…https://t.co/AovWw8TP3m
The current "crew change" need not result in haemorraghing knowledge:<https://t.co/qedGksqkuB>
March 2017 https://t.co/KVHHgVZylT via @AAPG
Join the discussion on the value of Knowledge to the oil & gas sector <https://t.co/FUxFU8uXv5> #K2VDiscussions.