Workstream bundles (making sense of the tools and services on offer)

Workstreams mapped on to the frontier exploration ORP


The K2V approach to knowledge management involves the deployment of a toolkit for harvestingsharing/stacking and maintaining the conversation around spatial knowledge, specifically designed as a coat-hanger for knowledge based on value drivers at a basin, play, venture or opportunity level.  These can be customised according to your organisation's value drivers.  The toolkit modules are mapped above on to the frontier exploration Opportunity Realisation Process (ORP). Different organisation will be interested in different services for value creation to match their specific business needs.  Each refers to a specific workstream, which is sequential.  Knowledge harvesting (Knowledge PinMap™) and knowledge sharing or stacking (KRACQS™) constitute the foundations of all subsequent modules and represent the most effort to complete; in effect, understanding the value of the knowledge lying dormant in your organisation to complement your organisation structure and culture.  The next 4 modules are scalable, involve very little incremental effort but represent the value creation end of the workstream, with the last module keeping the knowledge evergreen (keeping the conversations live).  The modules offered represent learning derived from analyses from more than 1,000 basins worldwide involving the contributions of more than 500 exploration geoscientists from 6 organisations over 35 years.  Modules will be made available as single items or bundled for a more cost effective option. CLICK ON THE IMAGES BELOW TO LEARN MORE

Knowledge harvesting (crowd sourcing)"Stick a pin on the map where you have any knowledge"

Knowledge harvesting (crowd sourcing)

"Stick a pin on the map where you have any knowledge"

Data harvesting (crowd sourcing)Associate data with legacy knowledge to mine amorphous data mountains

Data harvesting (crowd sourcing)

Associate data with legacy knowledge to mine amorphous data mountains

Knowledge sharing or stacking (collaborative)Collapsing cognitive bias by collaboration or by stacking knowledge

Knowledge sharing or stacking (collaborative)

Collapsing cognitive bias by collaboration or by stacking knowledge

Risk polarisationDe-risk opportunity by crowd-sourcing additional information/insights

Risk polarisation

De-risk opportunity by crowd-sourcing additional information/insights

Opportunity matchingMatching opportunity metrics at basin, play, venture or opportunity level by peer comparison

Opportunity matching

Matching opportunity metrics at basin, play, venture or opportunity level by peer comparison

Opportunity ranking and Value PolarisationWhich opportunities qualify for investment and what needs to be done?

Opportunity ranking and Value Polarisation

Which opportunities qualify for investment and what needs to be done?

Look-back analysisReplicate quality decisions and learn from mistakes

Look-back analysis

Replicate quality decisions and learn from mistakes

Competitive IntelligenceHow to keep conversations live and opportunities relevant

Competitive Intelligence

How to keep conversations live and opportunities relevant

*Tool development is ongoing.  Please contact K2V to discuss your specific needs and which tools might be the most appropriate deployed