Careers founded on geology have something unique that separate them from other disciplines: they have geo-spatial significance. Spatial context is unique to geology because geology itself is unique around the world, so geological knowledge and experience is relevant to place. How often have you heard it said that “the best geologists are those who have seen the most rocks?”. Tracking the journey that geologists have made across different continents, basins and geological settings gives a deep insight in to both the breadth and depth of their knowledge, and experience. Visualisation of that journey makes it easy for us to find individuals from a world of geoscientists – to distinguish the wood from the trees at a glance. It is now possible to create a powerful visual record of individual endeavour and achievement: an image featuring multiple potential candidates who can contribute to your area of interest or who possess geo-technical analogue knowledge to expand your business objectives. As a job seeker, you get to be seen by the business – you become visible. As a job owner, you can filter the image to obtain the match desired using a much larger pool of candidates than anyone previously had access to.
Over the last 2 years, more than six hundred geoscientists from the oil & gas sector have sequenced their career by pinning their experience through over eight and a half thousand job assignments across the globe. Two and a half thousand of these can be seen on the SpatialCV™. The tool itself was created by geoscientists for geoscientists to find and be found and to help users navigate career paths that occasionally come up against hard ceilings. In a world where careers are increasingly modular, such hard ceilings are perceptual - not real. If an individual has a goal to achieve in pursuing a career, then having a compass to help guide us along the way with the benefit of hundreds of hindsights can be instructive. By sequencing assignments, we now have hundreds of testimonials to establish whether choices selected by less experienced professionals match anyone’s actual career experience.
The new release of SpatialCV™ (February 2019) facilitates 4 activities:
Pinning - where experience is de-constructed over space and time by sticking a pin in a map of the world wherever we have acquired knowledge through a job or an activity. The pins are published anonymously on the Knowledge PinMap™ revealing the existence of content knowledge without revealing knowledge content.
Profiling (enhanced) - allows us to filter and search the Knowledge PinMap™ to identify individuals who possess content knowledge and/or job roles that we are interested in and sequence those to examine their career paths. At this stage, there is no way to establish who actually owns the pins - just that the content knowledge or career path may be of interest.
Channelled Networking (new) - having identified a person of interest from profiling, we can now make (channeled) contact with that person - as the enquirer, our identity is known to the respondent, who can reply and conduct a conversation without revealing their identity until they feel comfortable doing so. If they do not wish to continue the conversation, they can “decline”. The identity of knowledge holders is always under control of the knowledge holder.
Knowledge sharing (future release) - this will allow a moderator to set up a knowledge interest group of their choosing to bring a broader spectrum of opinion to bear on a topic of common interest.
SpatialCV™ is free for all knowledge holders. If you found using the tool helpful, please share your experience with friends or send send suggestions for improvements to
K2V Limited is not a recruiting agency; we simply provide the tools for people to connect with each other. K2V Limited will not make recommendations about who should be connecting with whom, so please don't ask. Half the fun is finding out for yourself.
Corporate licensing of SpatialCV™
The public SpatialCV™ described above is free to anyone who wants to make their knowledge visible whilst retaining selective anonymity. Some organisations have chosen to license SpatialCV™ for their own purposes, either to broadcast the spread of knowledge in their organisation to a buying public on their own website or to spatially manage knowledge within their own organisations. K2V Limited offers a pricing schedule* that allows organisations to customise SpatialCV™ to match their business requirements.
Restricted license - this is the cheapest and quickest option because it invites users to pin their knowledge on the existing public My PinMap™, which is then flowed across to a customised Knowledge PinMap™ using a web app (click HERE to see). The Knowledge PinMap™ can be displayed on corporate intranets or broadcast on corporate websites as desired. Restricted licenses are renewable annually.
Unrestricted license - buys a cloud-based setup on a dedicated subdomain that allows users to create their own accounts to pin their knowledge using a customised My PinMap™ portal with fully customisable attributes not possible with unrestricted licenses. The entries from My PinMap™ are compiled on a Knowledge PinMap™, which can be used in the same way as restricted licenses. In addition to customising attributes, licensees can opt for user identification in the web app, plus ArcGIS layer integration. Unrestricted licenses are renewable annually.
Full license - is essentially an open book on customization, including full integration with inhouse IT infrastructure, own corporate branding and symbology, integration with inhouse HR and knowledge management systems, DM standards etc.. Whereas the restricted and unrestricted licenses are renewable annually, the full license has a 3-5 year minimum for support (scaled by the level of customization on assessment and whether you had a precursor lower level license), plus development and upgrades.
*For the latest pricing schedules, please email
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SpatialCV™ and the Knowledge PinMap™ were made in collaboration with KT-mapping. Attributes should be customised to meet your organisation's specific knowledge harvesting requirements .