The writing on the wall (in every sense) reads "if liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they don’t want to hear". In March 2017, K2V Ltd launched an initiative to publish slightly provocative articles every 6 weeks to highlight knowledge and perceptions, bringing familiarity to the issues. In effect, keeping the conversation going by challenging perceptions and arming them at the same time. 20 articles have been published so far and many more are in the pipeline, as the articles move from LinkedIn to GEO ExPro, PESGB and AAPG for wider distribution.
Click on the images below to read the complete article.
Why is Knowledge important to the Oil & Gas industry (and do we even care?)
March 2017
Knowledge is uniquely positioned to support effective decision making. The article acknowledges the loss of knowledge to the oil & gas sector as the industry adjusted in 2016 to a "lower for longer" oil price future. Knowledge has long been an under-appreciated resource in the oil & gas sector and unless that view is modified, the potential for damage to the future of the industry could be significant. We should not fall prey to the illusion that decision protocols can replace knowledge. The value is in embracing the diversity of opinion, not not excluding it of our thinking.
Can crowd-sourcing knowledge actually add value for decision making?
April 2017
Many of us have had the good fortune in our careers to evaluate a number of basins becoming intimate with a variety plays. That experience never leaves us but somehow, we only contribute directly to what is in front of us and leave the rest behind, even if we retain our passion in these basins enough to keep an eye on new developments that may change our thinking. In an age when the professional work force has been commoditised, trading brand loyalty for lateral mobility, it became even more important for us to broadcast what we know. The April article explains how to increase our visibility in a crowded market.
Knowledge by Association - reclaiming amorphous data
May 2017
The May article was in response to an appeal for assistance in mining growing data mountains in large corporations. Data morph through the exploration maturation process as intellectual property is added to them, generating value for the business. If at any time the accreted knowledge becomes detached from those data, then the data must be re-connected for ownership to be re-established, probably the main plank of effective data management. In writing this article, K2V are not proposing data management solutions so much as mapping data life-cycles to properly understand how data management can become more empowered.
Risk Optimisation (a "novel" approach for frontier exploration in the oil & gas sector)
June 2017
For most endeavours outside of exploration, risk is seen as a form of optimisation but in exploration, if you remove the uncertainty around what success looks like, risk becomes a matter of chance. Risk is conventionally considered to be value destructive, something that needs to be mitigated against but if optimised, risk itself can become an opportunity. The June article explores the perceptual dimensions of risk, which was presented at the Geol Soc Risk Conference, mapping risk across the opportunity realisation process.
Career blending (what every explorer should be wearing this summer)
July 2017
Since the professional workforce was commoditised, now more than ever, we are competing for the same jobs. But our careers are unique blends of our experiences. This article demonstrates how to map out your career and how to project it on to the kind of future that suits you by taking control of your future.
Knowledge Stacking: a crowd in search of the truth
September 2017
We hear a great deal about the "wisdom of the crowd" but how real is it? When does the wisdom of the crowd become the "clamour of the mob"? Democracy is founded on the premise that the crowd knows best but, however pleasing it may be to imagine otherwise, we can't all be right. Is acceptance an abdication of responsibility or does the wisdom of the crowd have something that we as individuals, however well founded our perceptions may be, don't have? The September article announces an experiment on crowd sourcing to test if indeed the crowd might actually have something over expertise.
Basin kracqing: ontinuous opportunity ranking in a fluid opportunity landscape
October 2017
Basin kracqing marks the defining moment of 2017 for K2V Ltd. The KRACQS™ metadatabase facilitates continuous opportunity ranking by drawing on harvested knowledge and distilling that in to a relative value, kept evergreen as new information becomes available and perceptions change. The metrics match the business objectives, whilst truly unlocking knowledge from your entire global organisation.
Sweepstake Knowledge: the tyranny of orphaned deterministic numbers
November 2017
The last article for 2017 cautions against the use of deterministic numbers extracted from undisclosed uncertainty distribution functions. But deterministic numbers are only dangerous if they become separated from their origins – from knowledge. Einstein famously declared that imagination is more important than knowledge and who can deny it? But what is imagination without knowledge? Just dreaming without reference or accountability? Perhaps the problem lies in using a stochastic approach to smear out the truth.
Is Knowledge in Decline?
January 2018
Exploration is by definition a venture in to the unknown. Where there is high uncertainty, artificial intelligence runs the risk of being just artificial because without the guidance of a control framework (supervised dogma), AI is incapable of representing useful or high value uniqueness. AI lacks innovation or the capacity to surprise with new insights. In other words, AI has no imagination but paradoxically, that means as human influence is reduced, potentially valuable unimagined outcomes will increase. As with computer generated art or music, the ultimate judgement on whether the unimagined outcomes are useful or valuable is a human definition since ‘usefulness to humans’ are the outcomes we seek. Knowledge and AI are seen by some as mutually exclusive but this is far from the case. In fact the key to successful AI and human endeavour is in partnership.
Knowledge: a journey to remember and to celebrate (Spatial CV)
February 2018
Whether you see your career as an act of self-fulfillment by continuous personal development (formative career), or more opportunistically through personal interest or passion (leisure career), this article shows how to repossess your future. You can choose visibility at a glance or selective invisibility at a click, the article showcases a new tool (Spatial CV) that has the potential to change the way the industry recruits and manage its professional workforce.
Reloading the funnel (opportunity identification screening)
March 2018
Cognitive Visibility: launching SpatialCV™
May 2018
The tipping-point: "what you know will always get you more of what you want"
July 2018
Closed collaboration in the form of data exchanges or equity dilution have always been a feature of exploration in the oil & gas sector forming part of the competitive engine that drives investment and value creation. This article is the first in a series of upcoming articles which argue that as petroleum systems near the end of their productive lives, a different approach to enterprise dynamics is required for rejuvenation - one that involves open collaboration.
Geoscience career: health-checker
August 2018
The health of your career is based upon your definition of what career success looks like to you. Career paths in meritocratic organisations are most commonly split between technical and managerial streams. This article launches a tool to establish the where you are in your career aspirations, which will help to calibrate the tool for a discussion with Young Professionals around success in their career endeavours.