Competitor intelligence

How do you maintain your competitive edge?

How do you maintain your competitive edge?

To cap it off..

The final module is about maintenance and dogma-busting.  It is easy for an organisation to sit back and say that is all we need to know - move on.  And indeed move on you must but in the background, the competitive landscape is changing, new insights become available and you may only hear something relevant at a conference, from a news-clipping or in an airport lounge - all information remains critical.  Your organisation may also have designated opportunity (or basin) owners; "go-to" people who effectively own the approved knowledge for an segment.  However it comes about, this module is aimed at resolving conflicted knowledge by combining the knowledge harvested pin maps with the knowledge sharing or stacking of global screening and adds a chat-room, so that ANYONE who picks up some information that could be relevant to the opportunity articulates the new insight in the chat room for the opportunity owner or custodian to pick up and adjust the "official" view if appropriate.  This module keeps the opportunity live and it keeps us honest, even though the opportunity is on the back-burner ensuring not only that the latest insights are available but crucially, to trigger responses that affect the ranking of the opportunity and prevent dogma from setting in that might say that the opportunity will never fly.  Opportunities that have not been converted in to assets are and always will be opportunities waiting for their time to monetise.

NEXT: click hereto understand how these modules have been derived


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